Athina në flakë [FOTO]

Protestuesit kanë hehdur bomba molotov dhe janë përleshur me policinë pasi rrethuan parlamentin grek, në prag të afatit përfundimtar që i është lënë vendit për të siguruar marrëveshjen prej 86 miliardë eurosh.

Policia u përgjigj me gaz lotsjellës ndaj demonstruesve që kundërshtojnë masat shtrënguese ekonomike të mbledhur në shehsin Syntagma në qendër të Athinës.


Riot police ran through fire after petrol bombs were thrown at them by hooded anti-austerity protesters outside the Greek parliamentDozens of hooded anti-austerity demonstrators and riot police clashed on the streets of Athens tonight, with petrol bombs being thrownPrime Minister Alexis Tsipras has angered many in his anti-austerity party and leftwing supporters by throwing his weight behind the bills, which he and eurozone counterparts agreed to on Monday in order to unlock a new rescue to debt-laden Greece worth up to €86 billion The violence erupted on the sidelines of a demonstration gathering 12,500 people in front of the parliament building opposed to the passage of the reformsAn anti-austerity protester was pictured throwing a bottle at riot police as violence erupted on the streets of Athens this eveningThe harsh austerity measures Greece would have to put in place to release the bailout fund have been widely condemned, with even the International Monetary Fund branding them unfairThe harsh austerity measures Greece would have to put in place to release the bailout fund have been widely condemned, with even the International Monetary Fund branding them unfairRiot police detain an alleged anti-austerity protester during clashes in Greece. The country's prime minister is fighting to keep his government intact in the face of outrage over an austerity bailout dealPolice responded with tear gas against dozens of hooded anti-austerity protesters who set ablaze parts of Syntagma square in central Athens as they targeted the officersA riot policeman tries to avoid a petrol bomb thrown by anti-austerity protesters in Syntagma square in central AthensRiot police stand in the face of flames from exploded petrol bombs thrown by a group of anti-establishment demonstrators in front of parliamentAs a midnight deadline looms for Greek MPs to vote on whether to accept the controversial plans, it now looks increasingly likely that Tsipras' own hard left Syriza party will reject them, after more than half of the party's members slammed the deal, branding it 'humiliating'Earlier Tsipras revealed that even he does not believe in the tough bailout deal offered by eurozone leaders but said he only agreed to implement it in order to save the near-insolvent country, adding that he has no intention of resigning over the matterGreek Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos delivers his speech as he attends a parliamentary session in Athens ahead of the bailout deadline